Safety is Priority #1

Every year thousands of people get hurt using ladders and numerous articles are written about the correct use of it.
According to CSA only in BC and Ontario there were 58,950 incidents between 1992 and 2018.
Of these 66% resulted I an injury and 355 ended in a fatality and resulted in average of 18 lost working days!
For all of Canada the estimate is that the numbers could be doubled.
Counted are alone the WCB related incidents, if also considering the household use of ladders the numbers are even much higher.
In Alberta, the person must be tied of on a height over 10’ mandatory or always if there is a higher risk of injury!, see OHS laws Alberta below:
An employer and a supervisor must ensure that a worker is protected from falling if a worker may fall,
(a) at a temporary or permanent work area, a vertical distance of 3 metres or more,
(b) at a temporary or permanent work area, a vertical distance of less than 3 metres if there is an unusual possibility of injury,
(c) at a temporary or permanent work area, into or onto a hazardous substance or object, or through an opening in a work surface, or
(d) at a permanent work area, a vertical distance of more than 1.2 metres and less than 3 metres.
For the purposes of this section, there is an unusual possibility of injury if the injury may be worse than an injury from landing on a solid, flat surface.
In our company we have over 20 years experience in the scaffold industry in Canada.
Therefore, we recommend the use of a mobile aluminum scaffold above the use of a ladder for several reasons:
- The person is inside the scaffold and can’t fall on to the ground.
- The work will always be done between guard rails.
- During installation and dismantling there is always 3-point contact
- Installation is easy and fast ( 6 meters in 10 minutes)
- All our materials are always inspected before rental and a user manual is standard part of every rental.
- All our scaffolds are compliant to the safety regulations in Alberta.
We can advise you on the use and composition of your scaffold, to ensure that you are safe at work and at home.
2ND Source: Ocupational health and safety laws Alberta website